The Italian Presence in Post-war America, 1949-1972. Architecture, design, fashion
The conference aims at investigating the paths of the construction of national identity and the characteristics of the transfer between Italy and the United States, by observing them from a transactional and transdisciplinary perspective, and with a specific focus on the design disciplines, ranging from architecture to interiors, urban planning, fashion, and industrial design, in their different scales, facets, and fields of application. The conference aims to collect compelling contributions and stimulate a debate to expand knowledge on the consistency and role of Italian in, design, fashion, architecture, and urban planning in the specialized and popular culture that developed in the United States after WWII. The conference aims to outline the implicated phenomena in their complexity as well as to enrich the ongoing collection of the vectors of the transatlantic exchange, the main venues and opportunities, the actors involved, and the role played by some institutions such as the MoMA or the American Academy
Key-note lecture: Laura E. Ruberto, Berkley City College
Respondents: Elena Della Piana, Politecnico di Torino; Marta Averna, Gaia Caramellino, Chiara Colombi, Gennaro Postiglione, Paolo Scrivano, Politecnico di Milano
Chair: Simone Cinotto, Università di Scienze Gastronomiche a Pollenzo; Cristina Iuli, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Enrico Carocci, Ilaria A. De Pascalis, Università di Roma Tre
Speakers: Giampiero Bosoni, Olimpia Niglio, Cindi Strauss, Marta Cecchi, Francesco Lenzini, Maria Vittoria Capitanucci, Filippo Cattapan, Roberto Dulio, Stefano Setti, Ilaria Cattabriga, Gianlorenzo Chiaraluce, Valeria Casali, Rosa Sessa, Giovanni Comoglio, Filippo De Dominicis, Fabio Marino, Cristina Renzoni, Giulia Altea, Marta Averna, Elena Montanari, Francesca Serrazanetti, Cecilia Rostagni, Alfonso Morone, Ludovica Vacirca, Antonella Camarda, Luciana Gunetti, Ilaria A. De Pascalis, Chiara Faggella, Giuseppe Gatti, Alessandra Spagnoli, Paola Briata, Giulio Giovannoni, Chiara Baglione, Angelo Maggi, Michelangelo Sabatino, Giulio Galasso, Jacopo Leveratto